Archives: Services

“Finding Peace in Public Spaces”

While military monuments and memorials are a common part of our landscapes, those spaces that are dedicated to peace are more difficult to find. This is true both because they are less numerous than military monuments and because they are less obvious.What would it mean … read more.

Procession of the Species Celebration

Join us this Sunday for a very special service organized by the Social & Environmental Justice team. In addition to highlighting the important work our Fellowship does to support our commitment to social & environmental justice, this service will include a procession of the species … read more.

“Creative Resistance”

In his book, “Spiritual Defiance: Building a Beloved Community of Resistance,” Robin Meyers defines resistance as “a form of direct or indirect action opposing anything in the dominant culture that brings death and indignity to any member of the human family, or to creation itself.”  This … read more.

“Empty Tomb, Open Heart”

Our Unitarian Universalist tradition draws upon many sources for religious inspiration, including: ‘direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces that create and uphold life.’ What … read more.

“Inner Resistance”

UU La Crosse Member, Ben Parsons, will lead a talk about inner resistance in both its helpful and less than helpful forms. The presentation will also include suggestions and recommendations for how to consider working with and evaluating your resistance using a zen approach.

Ben Parsons … read more.

“Sticks and Stones”

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words (or names) will never hurt me!”  We’ve all heard that playground taunt; perhaps we’ve even uttered it ourselves when we felt verbally attacked as a child.  And yet words do leave wounds, at times even more … read more.

“How the Light Gets In”

Reflections on vulnerability, compassion, and connection from the frontlines of hospital chaplaincy. Rev. Greg is a Unitarian Universalist minister who serves as a staff chaplain at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse. He grew up in Minnesota, where he completed his first round of graduate … read more.