Local Volunteer Opportunities

Kane Street Gardens


Interested in volunteering at Kane Street this summer? They are using a SignUpGenius so you can see when they need volunteers, and you can let them know you’re coming! Click Here to view the SignUpGenius! 

UU the Vote!

Did you know that there is an election in August (next month) in Wisconsin? It has 2 constitutional amendments. Be sure to vote, and we are getting postcards from WUUSAN (Wisconsin UU State Action Network) regarding the August elections. There will be a postcard addressing party after service July 21st. You can let Susan know if you plan to be there (sej@uulacrosse.org), or just show up!

Interested in being a poll worker? Click Here to learn more!

Monthly Special Collections

Each month our Social & Environmental Justice Team selects a community organization as our Special Collection recipient. Join us every month in donating to community organizations that manifest our values!

Click Here to Learn About This Month’s Special Collection

Join Our Social & Environmental Justice Team!

UU La Crosse’s team aims to impact the world by acting locally. We have and will continue to take part through 2022 in supporting the Kane Street Garden as part of our work for food sustainability and justice. We have, and will continue through 2022, working to connect up with our national organization, the Unitarian Universalist Association, to take part in “UU the Vote”. 

  • Learn about injustice and its roots
  • Fight racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia
  • Support the building of a sustainable world
  • Raise money for local justice-focused causes
  • Take part in congregational social justice projects in the community

For more information contact Team Co-Chairs Susan McParker & David Boen: sej@uulacrosse.org

UU Social & Environmental Justice in the News

photo of four women at a women's march
UU Fellowship members – women and men took part in marches for justice in 2017 and 2018 in Washington, D.C., Madison, Minneapolis, Chicago, and La Crosse.