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Scientific discovery that could revolutionize EV battery space.

Photo Credit: iStock

The Cool Down recently published an article all about an encouraging development regarding batteries for electric cars. This could help significantly extend the range of these vehicles before their batteries need to be recharged. As

Click Here to read the article!

The Environmental Defense Fund reports on the climate power of soil.

(Farming practices, like planting cover crops, help the health of soil. [Stephen Kirkpatrick/USDA NRCS])

This interesting article from Environmental Defense Fund describes how many farmers are using practices that help manage carbon by storing more of it in the soil. The author of the article, Tom Clynes, explains that

“More and more farmers today are adopting techniques such as reduced tilling and cover cropping to improve the health of their soils. In addition to reducing fossil fuel and water use, these soil management techniques also hold promise for storing carbon. But soil has many secrets that scientists are just beginning to unravel.”  

Tom Clynes, Environmental Defense Fund

Click Here to read the full article!

Wyoming Governor indicates the big coal producing state is aiming for carbon negative status.

Check out the video below for an interesting segment from “60 Minutes” in which Bill Wittaker interviews Wyoming Governor, Mark Gordon.

“Largest US grocery store chain pioneers zero-waste shopping program: ‘Another big step'”

Offering a reuse program for packaging is a profound leap in the right direction to reduce waste.

Photo Credit: Loop

The headline above for the 2022 article by Abby Jackson caught my eye. It’s always nice to run across some ostensibly good news!

I believe the reuse program mentioned was referring to a 6 month pilot program, but it is still a step in the right direction. You might want to check out the links to Loop and TetraCycle that show up in the article. I found the TetraCycle information especially interesting and helpful as it offers ways of recycling materials that are generally not acceptable for curbside recycling. I actually signed up for the Tom’s of Maine program.

If you’d like to read the full article, Click Here. If you’re looking for more information about the pilot program, check out this February 22 article published on GreenBiz (Click Here). You can also read more out Kroger’s plan to go plastic bag free for grocery shoppers by 2025 by visiting their website (Click Here). 


What is ‘green capitalism’ and can it tackle the climate crisis?

Credit: Piyaset via Shutterstock.

The concept of Green Capitalism is an interesting one, and it seems as though significant movement in that direction has already taken place.  However, will that be enough to tackle the climate crisis.  In my humble opinion, probably not. 

As Kris Cooper notes,

“Few disagree that capitalism, as humanity’s dominant economic system, has played a central role in driving climate change. It remains to be seen if it – or a version of it – can adequately facilitate the shift towards a global green economy.”

Click Here to read the full article that delves into this question. 

We’ve also collected a list of books that you may find of interest on this topic include:

Irrationality of Capitalism and Climate Change: Prospects for an Alternative Future

by Andrew Kolin (Author), published in 2022

Green Capitalism. The God that Failed. 

by Dr Richard Smith (Author), published in 2016

This hydrogen-powered concept plane could fly halfway around the world without stopping to refuel

Photo Credit: FlyZero (posted on The Cool Down)

Wouldn’t it be great for the planet if folks didn’t need to travel so much and think they need to travel so much?  With the use of Zoom and other technologies and somewhat thanks to the covid pandemic, it becomes more apparent how modern society can function without so much (especially business) travel.  In addition to less travel in general, travel with less carbon footprint impact would surely be helpful.  It’s encouraging to learn that experts involved with the FlyZero project have been working on this. Read on to learn more about this project! Information taken from a recent newsletter from The Cool Down Company (TCD).

Experts at the Aerospace Technology Institute’s FlyZero project designed a hefty aircraft — twice the size of a Boeing 737 — equipped with super-cold hydrogen tanks that, if built, could power flights longer than 11 hours without stopping to refuel.

Aviation accounts for about 2.5% of global carbon pollution, but planes are trickier to electrify than road vehicles because they would need big, heavy batteries to make long-haul journeys. Researchers are looking to liquid hydrogen as a cleaner-burning alternative to jet fuel.

This concept plane was developed by the FlyZero project, a program led by the Aerospace Technology Institute with the goal of providing air travel with no pollution (zero-carbon) in the next decade, as the agency states on its website.

Switzerland put vertical solar panels on a roadside retaining wall.

Check out this interesting article from Switzerland about a new location for solar panels! 

The canton of Appenzell Ausserhoden in northeastern Switzerland is aiming to generate at least 40% of its electricity from renewables by 2035. So, it exercised a little creativity and covered a roadside retaining wall with 756 glass-glass solar panels.


Solar paint technology could become a cheaper alternative to panels.

Photo Credit: iStock

What if you could get that power to make electricity from sunlight without having to install solar panels? That’s the beauty of solar paint, as reported by Solar Action Alliance.

The Cool Down

To learn more about the potential of solar paint, check out this article on The Cool Down website: click here to read!

A local solar success story!

Check out this interview with UU La Crosse Member and director of Solar on La Crosse Schools, Alysa Remsburg, as she explains the benefits of the solar panels installed at local schools! Solar on La Crosse Schools, raises money to bring solar power to campuses in the La Crosse School District. 

Test your knowledge about methane with this short quiz!

The following information and quiz was provided by the Environmental Defense Fund:

Did you know that the best way to save Arctic summer sea ice is by tackling methane? That’s because methane is responsible for at least 25% of today’s global warming and has 80 times more warming power, pound-for-pound, than carbon dioxide in its first 20 years in the atmosphere.

And Arctic summer sea ice is incredibly important. Adult polar bears can survive for days at sea, but freshly born cubs don’t have the strength of their mothers and may drown as the stretches between sea ice get farther and farther apart.

But the more we know about this issue, the better we’re able to tackle it. Take a few minutes today to quiz yourself and learn more about methane pollution.


As we learn about methane, we can cut emissions, save the Arctic sea ice and create a brighter future for polar bears. EDF has been working for over a decade to learn more about this potent greenhouse gas and no one knows more about methane than we do.

What percentage of Arctic summer sea ice has vanished? Where do methane emissions come from? How much methane are we able to cut with current technology? These seem like simple questions, but the answers may surprise you!


Solar in Arizona

Check out this interesting solar project in Arizona designed to help address its major drought issue!

In a transformative move to combat water scarcity and harness renewable energy, the Gila River Indian Community, in collaboration with the US Army Corps of Engineers, has initiated a solar-over-canal project in the arid landscapes of Arizona, the Arizona Department of Water Resources announced.

With much of the state currently experiencing moderate to extreme drought conditions, this project aims to generate clean energy and address the critical issue of water evaporation in the region.

With a budget of $6.74 million, the project stands as the first of its kind in the United States, breaking ground on a concept that holds immense promise for sustainable energy solutions.

Click the link to read the entire article.

Arizona’s solar-over-canal project will tackle its major drought issue

And this link for a related article.

Gila River Indian Community Signs Historic Agreement for Solar-Over-Canal Project | Arizona Department of Water Resources

UUA Green Sanctuary 2030: Mobilizing for Climate Justice

The mission of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Green Sanctuary is to provide structure, leadership and support, in broad collaboration, for the UU faith community to engage in an ambitious environmental and climate justice movement that seeks to live fully our seventh and eighth principles and achieve our vision of a sustainable and just world for all. Click here for an Overview of Green Sanctuary 2030. To learn more about Green Sanctuary, and how we’re working towards re-accreditation, Click Here

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