Author: Admin

Tip #4: Reduce Junk Mail

Reduce the amount of junk mail that you receive.  Learn about three ways that you can use to stop junk mail in Climate Advice Columnist Michael J. Coren’s article The Washington Post (Click Here for Link). The first part of the article covers the … read more.

Minilogue #16: January 17, 2024

There’s a classic and famous Protestant idea known as “the priesthood of all believers.” It was originally articulated by Martin Luther five hundred years ago. He intended it as a critique of the Roman Catholic priestly hierarchy, which claimed that specialized intermediaries were necessary in … read more.

Minilogue #15: December 6, 2023

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He (sic) to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as … read more.

Tip #1: Use Green Cleaning Products!

Part of our Green Sanctuary project in 2013 involved bringing attention to the environmental impact of cleaning products used by the Fellowship and by individuals at home. The Green Sanctuary Committee at that time reviewed cleaning supply selection, with four criteria in mind: 1) the … read more.

Minilogue #14: November 1, 2023

“Death is a comma, not a period!” declared the priest at the funeral of my cousin, Gayle (“Cookie”) Hirt. Cookie would have appreciated the metaphor; she loved to write, as anyone who ever received one of her voluminous letters knew, and she was looking forward … read more.

Minilogue #13: October 4, 2023

There is an inherent tension in spiritual life – particularly in its liberal forms – between that which is ancient, venerable, ‘tried-and-true,’ and traditional, on the one hand; and that which is fresh, new, progressive, innovative, and ‘cutting-edge,’ on the other.  This tension – which … read more.

Minilogue #12: August 7, 2023

In this refulgent summer, it has been a luxury to draw the breath of life…”           

So began Ralph Waldo Emerson’s famous “Divinity School Address,” which he delivered in July of 1838, to the six members of the graduating class of Harvard … read more.

Minilogue #11: June 7, 2023

Solvitur ambulando,” wrote St. Augustine — “it is solved by walking.”

I’ve been re-learning the wisdom of Augustine’s words lately.  I’ve started walking a mile or so each day as a way to slowly and gently ease my way back into an exercise program.  I’m so … read more.