Tip #3: Reduce or Eliminate Your Air Travel

Air travel can have a significant impact on one’s carbon footprint, as Green Team member Dale learned from working on estimating his family’s carbon footprint using the Cool Congregation CFP tool. (Household Calculator ) Here are links to some interesting articles about the global emissions coming from aviation as well as some ways to help address that issue.  

A quarter of all emissions could be from flying by 2050
While many sectors are beginning to reduce their emissions, aviation’s have continued to grow.”

From the David Suzuki Foundation article, “Air travel and climate change – David Suzuki Foundation

Around 2.4% of global CO2 emissions come from aviation. Together with other gases and the water vapor trails produced by aircraft, the industry is responsible for around 5% of global warming.”

From the “Should we give up flying” article, Should we give up flying for the sake of the climate?,  

This sustainable hydrogen article,  Sustainable hydrogen energy in aviation – A narrative review – ScienceDirect, is pretty technical, but indicates that a lot of work is currently being done regarding hydrogen becoming a more sustainable fuel source for aviation in the not too distant future.

Want to read more to continue educating yourself on this important subject? Check out the links below!

Airlines Are Hiding More Than Fees – Earth911

Air travel and climate change – David Suzuki Foundation

Climate change and flying: what share of global CO2 emissions come from aviation? – Our World in Data

Should we give up flying for the sake of the climate?

Sustainable hydrogen energy in aviation – A narrative review – ScienceDirect

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