Author: Admin

Tip #22: Drive Less

You already know this. Try to make it happen. Walk or bike instead of driving when you can. Carpool if possible. Use public transportation.
When you do drive: Avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration.  If you need a little motivation, consider this: “Some studies found that … read more.

Tip #20: Avoid frivolous use of AI Chatbots

Did you know? “Chatbots use an immense amount of power to respond to user questions, and simply keeping the bot’s servers cool enough to function in data centers takes a toll on the environment”. In fact, according to this Washington Post article, “A bottle of … read more.

Tip #19: Recycle Your Used Batteries

Perhaps you are already aware of this, but I just learned last week that one can bring batteries, (at least the alkaline ones), to Batteries and Bulbs on Mormon Coulee Rd for recycling.  I believe the clerk indicated there would typically be an associated charge … read more.

Tip #18: Consider Green Burial

Cremation is probably a better option environmentally than more traditional, (in this country), burial.  However, “A single cremation produces about 535 pounds of carbon dioxide, according to one estimate by a cremation technology manufacturer.”

Green burial is becoming an increasingly available option to consider in Wisconsin and … read more.

Tip #16: Calculate your household Carbon Footprint

Calculate your personal carbon footprint and learn ways to help reduce it. Green Team member Carla Pena is offering workshops after the Sunday service as needed to help you with this.  It’s a pretty simple process to get a ballpark idea of what your household carbon … read more.