Social Activities
Social activities strengthen our ties as a church community while fostering friendships and emotional support among members and friends of the congregation. They’re a good way for newcomers to quickly feel at home. Be sure to view our Events and visit our Calendar pages. Committees work hard but also take time to socialize. And while our classes are for learning, they’re also for fun, so check out our Lifespan Education page for even more opportunities to connect!
Trivia Night

Want to join the fun? Come guess with us Monday nights 6:45 pm at Java Vino! Our group is made up of UU La Crosse members and friends, and YOU can join. All are welcome! Our table is near the restrooms. You can contact Heather McCracken ( for more details, and it would be helpful to send an email if planning to come so that we know how big of a table to get. But it’s also ok to just show up! All are welcome, and it’s not a “set team” so you can join whenever your schedule allows!
UU La Crosse Book Group

Book Group meets monthly on Zoom to discuss books chosen by the attendees. It’s facilitated by Congregational Administrator Heather McCracken. Want to join us? Have an idea for a book to read? All are welcome! Email Heather at
Outdoor Group

We have 6 hikes planned for the Spring. All will be in the morning. Some are easy and others more strenuous. Most (but not all) are scheduled for the first Tuesday and the third SUNDAY (change from previous seasons) of each month. The list of hikes and information is currently posted on the bulletin board in the kitchen area and is available online (Click Here). This hiking list has been developed by the Unitarian Universalist Outdoor Group, a member of the La Crescent-Hokah Driftless Drifters Hiking Club, and the First Congregational UCC Creation Care Committee. These are self-led hikes (not church-sponsored), and hiking is at your own risk.
Kids, accompanied by responsible adults, are welcome to join! Pets are discouraged for these hikes and are prohibited on some local trails.
Hikes will not occur if severe weather is in the forecast or if wet weather has left trails vulnerable to erosion, but no announcements regarding cancellations will be made. Always be prepared with enough water and snacks to meet your own needs. Consider using walking shoes or hiking boots; hiking poles can be helpful, though are not needed for easier hikes. Also, when hiking in the winter, please consider using traction devices for boots such as micro spikes or yaktrax, which can help reduce slips and falls.
There is a carpooling option as well, with a meet up location at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship parking lot (401 West Ave S La Crosse, WI). We hope to see you on the trail!
If you have any questions, contact

Movie Nights
Monthly movie night takes place in the Sanctuary the first Saturday of the month, 4:00 PM. Come watch a film on our big screen! Generally with a social justice theme, these movies inspire, motivate, and make us think! Discussion follows.
Watch for upcoming Movie Night dates on our Events page.
Join the UU La Crosse Choir!

Interested in singing in our choir? Email Lynn Biddick at!