Legacy Giving
What is Legacy Giving?
Legacy Giving is a way our Members and Friends can give to the Fellowship to secure our financial future and to fund big projects that support our Mission and Covenant. The Board of Trustees receives, manages, and distributes funds for the Fellowship’s benefit. They assume responsibility for the investment and distribution of funds on behalf of the Membership.

Some Ways to Contribute
- Bequests
- Beneficiary on investments, wills, insurance policies, trusts, financial accounts
- Life Income Gifts, (such as Pooled Investment funds, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities) that are managed by UUA
- Cash and transfers
- Closely held company stock, real estate, tangible items
How Will My Gift be Used?
You have the option to designate how your gift will be used. It may be used for ongoing costs or for special projects, such as: Youth Religious Education, Community Outreach, and/or Environmental Improvements. You can be assured that making a Legacy Gift to the Fellowship is one of the most important actions you can take on behalf of the enduring security and health of the Fellowship.

Can Gifts be Commemorative?
You may make a gift to the Fellowship now, or plan a gift for the future. If desired, your gift may take on a special meaning by acknowledging the life or deeds of another person. You may wish to commemorate weddings, births, or other special events.
Your gift may also take the form of a memorial tribute to your loved ones. You, your gift, and the purpose of being celebrated, may be acknowledged publicly in whatever suitable manner you prefer.
Thank you for considering your UU family in your plans!
Looking for a resource to help with your planning? The UUA has created a FREE Personal Estate Planning Kit for organizing your estate—saving you time, protecting your assets and helping you establish your legacy.

We invite you to contact the Board of Trustees (board@uulacrosse.org) for more information. All inquiries are held in the strictest confidence. Including us in your giving plans is usually a simple process that only requires providing our legal name, address, phone number, and Tax ID:
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse Inc.
401 West Ave S
La Crosse WI 54601
(608) 796-9993
Tax ID: 39-6098985
If you’re ready to notify us of your plans, you can use the Google Form below. We can also provide a printed copy if you prefer.