Archives: Services

“Stories of Compassion”

Stories have a unique way of bringing us closer as human beings. The most effective stories touch our limbic brain, which is the part of us that remembers stories with an emotional content. In common language we say, “That really touched my heart.” Join John … read more.

Poetry Sunday

Join us at 10:00 AM on Sunday, January 5 as we begin the new year with another Poetry Sunday! We invite you to bring a favorite poem (or two) to read and briefly share why you chose the poem. This is an intergenerational service!

For … read more.

No Service

There is no service this Sunday. We hope you have a wonderful new year and we’ll see you again on Sunday, January 5th for our Poetry Sunday!

“Celebrating Yule & Christmas”

A wonderful UU blend of pagan solstice songs and Christmas pageant! This special service is an intergenerational fun experience for all, led by Carmen and our youth!

For information about attending in person, links to Zoom login info, Sunday’s Order of Service, Online Giving and more … read more.

“A White Woman Wrestling with Race”

The USA’s racialized history, culture, and power structure appear to be quite alive and well in the 21st century. The question is, what can a conscientious White American do to be more authentically present and in right relationship with their multiracial American brothers and sitsters? … read more.


We will gather at our usual time of 10 AM for a potluck and a celebration of both Thanksgiving and Diwali. Diwali is a festival of light. We encourage creative expressions for this gathering. Please bring a dish to share and your own utensils/plates, though … read more.