Archives: Services


We will gather at our usual time of 10 AM for a potluck and a celebration of both Thanksgiving and Diwali. Diwali is a festival of light. We encourage creative expressions for this gathering. Please bring a dish to share and your own utensils/plates, though … read more.

Remembrance Service

We will gather to honor loved ones who have died but whom we continue to hold in our hearts. We will light candles to remember them and, if you wish, you may bring a small memento of the person(s) and/or pet(s) you wish to remember … read more.

“When Did We See You in Prison?”

Steve Minnema has been involved for 20 years in the circles of support program that offers formerly incarcerated persons support and guidance as they seek to build new lives after release.. In this talk he will reflect on three questions. 1. Why don’t we really … read more.

“Libraries: Creating Welcoming Spaces for All”

Libraries offer spaces and resources that serve everyone; librarians who work to create a sense of warmth, welcome and belonging for their patrons build stronger communities. This happens by intentionally prioritizing the freedom to read, focusing on working with historically undervalued segments of the population, … read more.