(U)Universal Market Planning Page
Want to help with the Market?
There are lots of ways you can participate!
Bakers Needed: We’re looking for all kinds of baked goods: cupcakes, cookies, breads (sweet and savory!), bars, pies, cakes, etc. We’ll be collecting all baked goods at the Fellowship on Thursday, May 30th, in the afternoon. If you have any questions, please contact Deborah Buffton (dbuffton@yahoo.com). Thank you!
Filling the Market: And if you have treasures that you’re willing to part with…start setting them aside because we’d love to have them! If you’d like to store your items, you can contact Anna Nirva (annagbn@gmail.com) and arrange to deliver your donations to her garage on the south side of La Crosse. We also have a bin in the kitchen you place smaller items in on Sunday mornings! Otherwise, you can bring your items on Thursday, May 30th.
Market Helpers: We need helpers to assist with planning, collecting items, setup, and/or helping out on the Market days! If you’d like to join us, please contact Donna (donnabaueruu@gmail.com)
We’re looking forward to another great market with everyone!