Volunteer Opportunities
If you’re looking to get more involved within our UU La Crosse community or our Greater La Crosse area, email admin@uulacrosse.org to talk to our Congregational Administrator about many wonderful volunteer opportunities!
Current Volunteer Opportunities

Sunday Service Volunteers
Please consider volunteering on Sunday mornings. We need your help! If everyone who is able chips in and does just one task, we can all share the work.
There are many ways you can help out, so it should be easy to find at least one task that you enjoy! If you want to volunteer in the building, your options include:
- Counting offering money after service
- Making coffee and helping with setup
- Cleaning up after Coffee Hour
- Controlling the camera (very easy!)
- Greeting (a great way to get to know the community better!)
- Zoom Greeters (volunteer from home!)
- Learning how to run the livestream (easier than it seems!)
You don’t need to have any experience with the technology to help with the technical side of things. Heather will meet with you for training, and there will always be detailed instructions provided to assist you. There are also trainings available for Greeters and Money Counters. So, if you’re reading this, please consider lending a helping hand! 🙂
Click Here to Sign Up!
If you have any questions, please email Heather at admin@uulacrosse.org.
Join a Committee!
Many of the weekly or programmatic tasks not otherwise taken care of by staff members are handled by several volunteer teams. These include:
Contact information and usual meeting times (may change) are listed below:
- Adult Religious Education (adultre@uulacrosse.org)
- Building and Grounds (building@uulacrosse.org) – 1st Wednesdays @ 1:30 PM
- Finance (finance@uulacrosse.org)
- Financial Stewardship (stewardship@uulacrosse.org)
- Member Services (member@uulacrosse.org) – 3rd Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM
- Youth Religious Education (youthdre@uulacrosse.org)
- Social & Environmental Justice (sej@uulacrosse.org) – 1st Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
- Sunday Services and Music (ssm@uulacrosse.org) – 2nd Thursdays @ 5 PM
If you have questions or are interested in sharing your talents with one of the teams above, please contact the team leader using the emails listed above, or contact admin@uulacrosse.org. You can also find more information for each team below! Click the images to enlarge.