Tip #17: Eat less meat, especially less red meat, unless you are already at zero.

“Eating less beef and more plants, along with wasting less food, are some of the most effective forms of household climate action, “  (from link #1 below)

“When measured by unit of protein produced, beef has by far the largest carbon footprint.”  (from link #2 below)

I hope that the 2 quotes above will help encourage you to explore the links below for more on this issue.  

1)  How Much Does Animal Agriculture Contribute to Climate Change?

2)  Have Climate Questions? Get Answers Here. – The New York Times

3)  Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30      years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century | PLOS Climate

4) Global elimination of meat production could save the planet – Berkeley News

5)  Animal Agriculture and Climate Change – Humane Society International

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