Topic: Green Sanctuary

Sunday Services organized and planned by our Green Sanctuary team. Designed to bring more attention to the environmental issues and concerns that impact all of us, both in our community and globally. 

And check out our upcoming Climate Justice Revival events & Sunday Service planned for February 2025! –> Click Here

To watch or listen to any of these previous services, check out our archives –> Click Here

Earth Day Art Therapy

Join the Green Sanctuary team in celebrating Earth Day and animal kin who share the planet. We’ll be busy during the service decorating cool new masks to show off at Earth Fair. Art can be a form of healing when we feel saddened by the … read more.

“Protecting That Which We Value”

The technology exists to pull us back from the brink of calamitous climate change. We need to build the social, political, and business will to tackle the challenge now. This Sunday, Tom Schlesinger will help provide the information we need to take action and move … read more.

“Rewilding with Prairies: A Love Story”

Melinda Knutson will describe her love affair with prairies and share the secrets that keep her engaged. The Driftless Area was once covered by savannas and prairies, but little remains of this diverse landscape due to fire suppression and land conversion to agriculture, and urban … read more.

“Storying the Floods for Communities Impacted by Climate Change in Southwest Wisconsin”

Here’s a follow-up from Dr. Higgins’ presentation. This link includes some of the stories featured in Stories from the Flood:

Dr. Margot Higgins will discuss the topic of climate refugees in Wisconsin with a case study in the Kickapoo River watershed which has experienced … read more.

“Estimating Your Carbon Footprint”

Estimating your carbon footprint is not difficult, and it can be your roadmap for moving forward. In this service, Rob Tyser will continue the vital conversation started in November about steps we can all take to reduce our carbon footprint. This service is one … read more.

“Carbon Footprinting: Why Do It?”

Sure, most of us know that burning fossil fuels contributes to climate change. But how can organizations and households prioritize actions that reduce their use of fossil fuels? This is the question that Rob Tyser will address in his first of two presentations for … read more.

“Paddling for Hope: We are the Same”

Bobbi Rathert set out to paddle the length of the Mississippi River last summer, both for personal reasons and as a fundraiser for Hope Restores, La Crosse’s Black Community Center. Hope Restores’ mission to is uplift, empower, and invigorate our local African American Community. Paddling … read more.