Panel: “This I Believe…”

UU congregations affirm and promote seven principles. We will be celebrating and affirming our third: “Acceptance of one another and spiritual growth in our congregations” and the fourth: “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;” as a panel made up of UU congregants share their personal beliefs.

Click here for the Order of Service.

Sunday Service – 10 am on Zoom
Join us and enter:
Meeting ID: 968 7129 1073 and Password: panel
One tap mobile: +13126266799,,96871291073#,,1#,438411#
Call in by phone – dial: +1 312 626 6799, then enter Meeting ID: 968 7129 1073, followed by the Password: 438411, and the # sign.
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Attend online! We’re keeping our distance physically, for now, so check us out virtually! Watch for Zoom login info here and on our Facebook page.