First, we need flowers — fresh cut flowers from your garden, or from a field somewhere (make sure you have permission). We’re asking you to bring these fresh flowers to the fellowship on Saturday, May 15th (a day early). Starting at 4:00pm, we will have a table with vases on it, set up by the back door of the building. Just swing on by, stick your flowers in the vase provided, and know that they will bring people great joy the next day.
Second, we need your participation! Our Zoom service on Sunday, May 16th will be abbreviated — only about 30 minutes. We’ll be fitting a lot into that time, but we’re keeping it short in order to give you a chance to turn off your computer, get in a vehicle, and come on over to the fellowship parking lot between 10:45 and 11:30 Sunday morning. Prairie Smoke will be performing live, and you’ll have a chance to slowly roll through a receiving line of board members and staff, including our new congregational administrator Heather McCracken (this will be her first Sunday with us!). We’ll give you a flower and a small gift right through the window of your car.
Also, in case you can’t make it to the drive-through opportunity, we will be bringing the remaining flowers and gifts to the main shelter area at Myrick Park at 3:00pm Sunday afternoon. Stop by for a “Mask and Mingle” open house social hour, outdoors and masked, if that’s something you feel comfortable joining. We would love to see you (maybe again)! You’re welcome to come to both!
And finally — are you unable to join us in person? We would love to bring a flower and gift to your home. Our volunteers will be delivering between noon and 6pm on Sunday afternoon. All you need to do is sign up at this link, and we’ll make sure you’re on our list to visit: https://calendly.com/ revlesliemills/request-flower- drop-off?back=1&month=2021-05& date=2021-05-16
We look forward to celebrating with you soon! Happy Spring!
For links to Zoom login info, Sunday’s Order of Service, Online Giving and more click here linktr.ee/uulacrosse