2025-2026 Nominations

The Nominating Committee of UUF of La Crosse is accepting nominations from the congregation for the 2025-2026 Board of Trustees and the Nominating Committee. The slate of candidates is presented by the Board of Trustees at the May 18, 2025 Annual Meeting.
All who wish to serve on the Board of Trustees or the Nominating Committee are encouraged to submit a Nomination Form. The Board of Trustees is composed of creative, committed, and diverse fellowship members working to support its mission and vision into the future.
Our search focuses on candidates with valuable skills including; teamwork, communication, flexibility, patience, time management, motivation and a desire to learn. If this sounds like you or someone you know, nominate yourself or someone else.
Why join the Board of Trustees?
You are a member who:
- Wants to live into your UU values
- Seeks opportunities for supporting the fellowship through leadership
- Aspires to share your skills and talents
- Values creating connections with fellowship members and our community
- Is interested in future fellowship direction and decisions
Who is Qualified?
- Voting Members are eligible to serve on the Board of Trustees. A new member is eligible to vote 30 days after signing the membership book and making a contribution of record and thereafter an annual contribution of record in order to maintain voting status
- A nominee for President must have previously served one year on the Board of Trustees
- Voting Members can serve on the Nominating Committee
What are the commitments?
- New board members commit to serve two-year terms
- Board members are required to attend monthly board meetings, be prepared prior to meetings and serve as liaison to one or two teams, etc. You can read the full details if you Click Here
- Nominating committee positions are for one year, with meetings as needed between January and April
How to nominate a candidate:
Submit your candidates application information – Click Here
- You will need to include name and email
- The position you are nominating them for
- A few sentences describing the strengths they bring
- Email any questions to nominating@uulacrosse.org
How to self-nominate:
Submit your application information – Click Here
- You will need to include your name and email
- The position you are applying for
- A few sentences describing the strengths you are excited to use and share
What happens after you submit your nomination?
The Nominating Committee will review nominees submitted during the open nomination period, recruit further if necessary, contact all nominees and move qualifying UUF of La Crosse members forward to the Board of Trustees for placement on the ballot.
What are important dates in the process?
Nomination period:
Until Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Selected nominees notified:
Sunday, April 13, 2025
General membership voting (Zoom & In Person):
Sunday, May 18, 2025 (After Sunday Service)
New terms begin:
June 1st, 2025 is the official start date. A transition meeting is recommended in May of 2025.