Wyalusing Camping Weekend 2025
All are welcome at the UU Weekend at Wyalusing State Park, Friday May 9th, Saturday May 10th, Sunday May 11th, near Prairie Du Chien. There is a day trip option for Saturday and activities for all, so we hope you’ll join us! Planning to attend? GREAT! Please fill out the registration form below by April 27th. Space is limited in the cabins, and we need to plan for meals, so we appreciate your timely registration.
This year we are also asking for a donation ($15/person or $25/family), also due by April 27th. To pay online, you can use Breeze or Venmo. You can also write a check to UU La Crosse (Memo “Wyalusing”) or pay with cash – mail or give directly to Heather McCracken (admin@uulacrosse.org).
Breeze: https://uulacrosse.breezechms.com/give/online (Select “Wyalusing” Fund. Credit/Debit Card fee is 3%. ACH fee is 1%)
Venmo: @UUFLAX (Include a note that indicates “Wyalusing”. Processing fee is 1.99%).
We cannot accept donations on-site at Wyalusing, but we will gladly accept additional online donations to help cover costs and fund future Wyalusing weekends!
If you’re unable to pay for registration, we can help! Email admin@uulacrosse.org
If you’re planning to make reservations for a campsite, you should do so ASAP. You can Click Here to access the reservation page.
If you’re driving you will also need to purchase a 2025 admission sticker, which you can do if you Click Here!
All activities are optional, except please arrive on time for meals if you signed up for them. Families and friends are welcome to explore the park on their own whenever they wish.
Bring your own food for Friday supper and a dish to pass, clothing layers for cool or warm weather, rain poncho or jacket, sturdy footwear for trail walking, & lawn chairs. We’ll have water and lemonade to drink; anything else you should bring yourself.
The lodge and the cabins have heat, but not air conditioning, so small fans are nice to bring. We encourage anyone to bring along musical instruments, games, and other activities that might be fun for small groups, meals, & the campfire! There is a large lawn area available for things like softball, badminton, croquet; we will have some of these items, but feel free to bring your own favorite gear along if you would like. Dogs are not allowed in the group camping grounds or lodge unfortunately.
Be aware that the group tent area is about 1.5 miles away from the Lodge, so you’ll likely need a car or bicycle to go back and forth. The Lodge has a spacious parking lot. The Homestead camp area is about 0.5 miles from the Lodge. The trails are distributed throughout the park, so you will likely need transport to access some of the trails. Ideally, cooperative shuttles can be arranged for trail hiking, but those will be spontaneous and we’re depending upon the participants to work out those arrangements.
Helper sign-ups will be available upon arrival. Please allow time to clean up your own sleeping areas, group areas, and/or tent area before checking out. Clean-up helpers will empty garbage cans and do final inspections in cabins, grounds, and the lodge. Volunteer help is appreciated!