This Month’s Special Collection
Click here to support the Village Bicycle Project!

March Special Collection
This month, the recipient of our Special Collection is the Village Bicycle Project. As a successful self-sustaining and capacity building development project, VBP gives people in Ghana and Sierra Leone a crucial tool to improve their lives by offering access to affordable and sustainable transportation. VBP addresses the devastating burden that a lack of transportation has on families in Africa, whose time could be more efficiently spent improving their education, economic stability and health.
Fellowship Member, Matthew Christen, will be volunteering with this organization in Sierra Leone starting at the end of this month! Click Here to visit their website and learn more about their important work!
You can contribute on our Ways to Give page or mail checks to:
UU La Crosse 401 West Ave S. La Crosse, WI 54601 (Pay to the Order of “Village Bicycle Project” with the memo line “Special Collection”)