Our first Procession of Species Celebration at a service in April was the unofficial start of our progress toward re-accreditation as a Green Sanctuary.  Subsequent processions so far include the Myrick Park Earth Fair and Artspire downtown.  Who can we next invite on this procession?  Please share ideas for future mask-makers and mask-celebrators with greensanctuary@uulacrosse.org

What a joyous and artistic way to celebrate the diversity of life! We bring attention and empathy to the plight of other species facing the climate crisis and habitat loss.

Our Procession of the Species project was inspired by Olympia, Washington’s annual tradition, which began in 1995 when a group of residents wanted to organize an event to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Earth Day and to support Congressional renewal of the Endangered Species Act. With this inspiration to guide us, our work started in March as a papier-mâché mask-making project led by UU Member and artist Jill Rippe. Masks have been used for thousands of years to teach and influence people. This mask making project at UU La Crosse aims to honor the natural world and promote reverence for the environment by creating masks in the shape of various flora, fauna, and other natural entities. The materials used were simple: papier-mâché paste, newspaper, kraft paper, tissue paper, paint, and balloons for a form. This all-ages project resulted in a variety of unique and creative masks!

The Procession of the Species’ mission is to “empower communities to engage in cultural relationships with the natural world as a means of sustaining efforts of environmental protection and restoration”. Visit http://www.procession.org to learn more!