UU Movie Night


Saturday, February 1, 2020    
12:00 am


UU La Crosse
401 West Ave S, La Crosse, WI

February’s theme of generosity is a willingness to give. The Indo-European root of the word generous is gene which means to give birth. The Biggest Little Farm is our February movie, which exemplifies both definitions. Chester and Molly start an organic farm. Will it work? Chester writes “Most documentary films about any farm or environment are fear-based,” he said. “The enemy is a human corporation or greed. The victim is always the planet. And at the end the audience leaves feeling fear or despair or depression, their eyes are more tight, not more wide. I wanted to show there’s something different going on, there’s an incredible experience that awaits us if we fall in love with it. That will be the cure. We won’t let what we love die if we understand it in a deeper way that connects to us like a parent for a child with potential, who we won’t give up on. Fear does not get you through that; love does.”

Come see the film, Saturday, February 1 at 4 pm. Great seats, delicious popcorn and delightful company.