Call to Special Congregational Meeting at UU La Crosse
Time: Sunday October 13, 2019, 11:30-11:45 a.m.
Place: UU La Crosse Sanctuary
Consistent with recommendations from a congregational consultant–Mark Ewert– the UU La Crosse Board of Trustees called a task force to develop a Vision Statement.
- Substantial congregation input was gathered by the task force over a number of months. The task force held a series of in-depth meetings that involved approximately 80 members of this congregation. Meetings were facilitated; a scribe recorded in detail individual comments.
- A draft was generated that was reviewed by a number of Fellowship Teams, with feedback given.
- On Sunday September 22, the specific wording of proposed Vision and Mission Statements were presented as a program insert. The Sunday Service address that day spelled out both the content of the proposed statements, as well as the process used to develop these statements. Speaking to the congregation on this were the three current members of the task force: Alice Holstein, Maria Runde, and Cindy Ericksen (chair).
Here is the proposed wording as it appears in the Order of Service for Sunday Sept. 22:
- “Vision Statement”:
We will become a more welcoming, dynamic, diverse community, using our non-doctrinal foundation to attract and attract and nurture more seekers. We will develop a stronger identity as a uniquely progressive faith with strengths as collaborators, conveners, and social justice servants. Our enriched lifespan education will challenge us to grow intellectually and spiritually. We will strive to become a beacon of light to ourselves and others.”
“Mission Statement”:
Nurturing spirit
Transforming lives
Leading change.”
Business to be Transacted at the October 13 Special Congregational Meeting:
- A canvass will be done determining who in attendance meets “voting member” status in the UU Fellowship of La Crosse.
- The Vice-President of the Board of Trustees will call the meeting to order.
- The following two questions will be put to a vote. A “yes” vote by a majority of those members voting is needed for passage.
1) “Shall the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse adopt as its Vision Statement, going forward, the drafted Vision Statement that appears in this call to meeting?” [Yes vs. No]
2) “Shall the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse adopt as its Mission Statement, going forward, the drafted Mission Statement that appears in this call to meeting?” [Yes vs. No]
With thanks to our Visioning task force, the Board of Trustees encourages you to attend this brief but important meeting, which follows immediately after the Sunday service and brief coffee Fellowship on Sunday October 13.
In fellowship,
Ron Malzer,
Board President