Our Governance and Leaders
Our congregation belongs to the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Like all Unitarian Universalist churches and fellowships, we are independent of the UUA in terms of governing decisions. This means that governing authority (polity) rests with each congregation. As with our “free and responsible search for truth and meaning,” our gathered community is free to ordain, hire, and fire staff members, elect its own leaders, and grow in relationship to other congregations, and be responsible for raising and managing its own funds, and staying in right relations (being in covenant) with one another.
Our congregation is governed by an elected board of trustees, comprising seven to nine fellowship members, in accordance with our bylaws. Our 2023-2024 board of trustees includes:
- Donna Bauer, President
- Alysa Remsburg, Vice-President
- Ryan Farkas Secretary
- Julie Keitel, Treasurer
- Susan McParker, Member at Large
- John Zinn, Member at Large
- Erin Connolly, Member at Large
- Eric Kraemer, Member at Large
- Ingrid Iverson, Member at Large
Many of the weekly or programmatic tasks not otherwise taken care of by staff members are handled by several volunteer teams. These include:
Contact information and usual meeting times (may change) are listed below:
- Adult Religious Education (adultre@uulacrosse.org)
- Building and Grounds (building@uulacrosse.org) – 1st Wednesdays @ 1:30 PM
- Finance (finance@uulacrosse.org)
- Financial Stewardship (stewardship@uulacrosse.org)
- Member Services (member@uulacrosse.org) – 3rd Wednesdays @ 5:30 PM
- Youth Religious Education (youthdre@uulacrosse.org)
- Social & Environmental Justice (sej@uulacrosse.org) – 1st Wednesdays @ 6:30 PM
- Sunday Services and Music (ssm@uulacrosse.org) – 2nd Thursdays @ 5 PM
If you have questions or are interested in sharing your talents with one of the teams above, please contact the team leader using the emails listed above, or contact admin@uulacrosse.org. You can also find more information for each team below! Click the images to enlarge.