7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the Conference Room
The “Stand-Up Theology” session on February 15th will be a ‘live’ Soul Matters Sharing Circle exploring the Fellowship’s February theme of “Love.” We will gather in the Conference Room/Library at the Fellowship Building. All are welcome to attend, but you’ll get more out of it if you explore the resource packet ahead of time, which can be found here: Click Here for Packet. In addition, the Soul Matters Participant’s Guide can be accessed here: (Click Here for Guide). Don’t view this as an academic assignment; the idea is not to ‘finish’ the packet on your own. Instead, find two or three resources that resonate for you, knowing that others will focus on different things, leading to a dialogue, that is deep, rich, and diverse.
Please contact Rev. Bruce at minister@uulacrosse.org if you have any questions.