Kane Street Garden Volunteer Day


Saturday, September 16, 2023    
9:00 am - 1:00 pm


Kane Street Community Garden
804 Kane Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin, 54603

Volunteers are needed for Kane Street Community Garden!
Saturday, September 16

We UUs will have a 1/2 day of work to do at the Kane Street Garden on Saturday September 16th from 9:00 a.m. to about 1:00 p.m., and all members and friends are invited to join us. We will be reinstalling a water capture container, adding some hose fittings, resetting some pavers in the children’s area, harvesting some vegetables from the garden, and helping with food distribution to the public. You will be able to take home just-picked vegetables as well at the food distribution area.

All ages and abilities are welcome, and you can join us for all or part of the morning. If you want to bring snacks for volunteers, that would be most welcome! There is plenty of room, so if you want to just come and see what we are up to, please join us. You should bring a pair of gloves and maybe knee protection if you plan to work. The garden has plenty of tools for you to use. Joining us will be some student volunteers from Viterbo University.

There will be a sign-up sheet in the kitchen area of the UU, or you can email admin@uulacrosse.org to be added to the list.

The address is 901 Kane Street, La Crosse.

Hope to see you!
Social and Environmental Justice Team